Supporting Local Business

In the Lockyer Valley it was also said that if the farmers had money then everyone had money, and to a certain extent that is still true.

With cost of living pressures everyone is looking for to save as much money as they can, and sometimes that means that people take their business out of the Lockyer Valley.

I have been guilty of that in the past, however, I have been working to improve this and have found that when I have been shopping locally that I am getting better service.  I also find that if the local business does not have what I want then they are more than happy to help you by getting it in and generally this is quicker than if I was go out of town.

If everyone was able to shop local as much as they can, this can lead to a stronger local economy, more jobs and also more shops coming to town.

I urge everyone if possible to keep your money local and help strengthen our local economy.

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Supporting Local Business
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