Daffodil Day Golf Day

I started the Daffodil Day Golf Day at Gatton Jubilee Golf Club about 12 years ago.

At the time I didn’t know that my Father would later be diagnosed and pass away from cancer.

Cancer is something that seems to work its way into everyone’s lives, and while some people are able to beat it, a lot of people are not so lucky.

In all those years I have blown away by the support that I get each year from local businesses who generously donate prizes.  There are some such as Thomson Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Repco Gatton, Blue Dog Sports and OBT Financial who have donated every year.

Some years have been bigger than others, but we have always been able to raise $2000 plus each year to give to the Cancer Council.


This year will be the first time that Lockyer Property Sales will be the main sponsor.

I am hoping that this year will be as big as ever.

If want to take part by playing please contact the Gatton Jubilee Golf Club on 5462 1420 or manager@gattongolf.com.au.

If you want to donate a golf prize or a raffle prize please contact Brock on 0407 363 844  or brock@lockyerpropertysales.com.


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Daffodil Day Golf Day
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