An article in the Courier Mail on 13 September 2023 put out some ideas of how homes in the future would be more energy efficient, as can be seen by the graphic above.

Now energy efficiency or green power can be a controversial topic and not everyone can agree on it, however, one thing that I think that everyone can agree on is lowering their electricity bills!

In my experience, these ideas in terms of making a house more energy efficient are generally not as attractive to people building homes as they are generally make building your home a lot more expensive.

As technology improves and prices come down these ideas might become more popular with home owners particularly if they can see the ongoing cost benefits of installing them in the first place.

As with all new technologies the majority of the general public wait for the early adopters to experience the growing pains and wait for the better and cheaper options.

As with everything, I guess time will tell and it is only people in the future who will know if we were right or wrong!

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