How tightly held is the Lockyer Valley?

Do people live in the Lockyer Valley forever? I don’t know of any reasons why you would need to move away.

Below are figures from on the average hold period for properties as of April 2023:

  • Gatton – 9.9 years – down 15% from April 2018
  • Laidley – 10.1 years – down 4% from April 2018
  • Lowood – 8.3 years – down 10% from April 2018

Figures were not available for other areas but it could be argued that the figures shown in these centres would translate to the broader Lockyer Valley.

It shows a tread that people hold onto their property for the best part of 10 years.  Those figures are down from 5 years ago, so that may suggest that people took advantage of the good times and cashed in.

Overall there is a trend that people in the Lockyer Valley tend to hold onto their places for longer and not turnover their properties as often.

This correlates to the low number of properties listed for sale and the lack of figures for other areas of the Lockyer Valley which suggests that people stay here for longer.

So if you are looking to buy in the Lockyer Valley and find something that you love, you probably shouldn’t waste any time in buying it as it might be back on the market for a long time.

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How tightly held is the Lockyer Valley?
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