Prior to European settlement, the area was occupied by members of the Yuggera Aboriginal language group. The Gatton area was explored by Major Edmund Lockyer in 1825. A settlement known as Gatton w
Probably the first thing that I learnt is not to move house! But as I am a real estate agent and make a living from people moving house, here are some useful insights that might help you when you are
When the weather starts to cool down, you should take the time to check some things around your house to make sure that you are ready for winter. To stop the cold from creeping in check your proper
Ok, you have signed the contract but what do I do next. There are a few things that you should do straight away: Pay the deposit (depending on terms of contract); Take out insurance for the p
Above is a Suburb Report Card published last week by for Gatton but I will summarise various areas that were also included by in the Lockyer Valley below: Gatton i
If you want your house sold quicker and at a higher price one option is to get your home staged. Staging your house is getting an interior designer to come into your house and hire furniture to be in
With the state of the market at the moment, one of the phrases that buyers hate to hear the most is the agent telling them that they already have an offer. The reason that this process can be frust
Everyone has heard of the bank of Mum and Dad and that can be an option for some people. However, if it is not an option for you another option may be to pool your resources with like minded people w