Shops have had Christmas decorations and Christmas music playing for weeks.
Does this mean that it is time to put up your Christmas Tree?
I was raised that the Christmas Tree was put up on the 1st of December and then it came down sometime between Christmas day and New Years Eve.
My Wife is a true Christmas Elf and would probably leave the Christmas Tree up all year round.
It wasn’t until I had kids and saw the excitement and wonder of putting on Christmas songs and putting up the Christmas Tree that I realised the sooner the better and that the kids get to enjoy it for longer.
It is probably when they play the singing Christmas Tree, the signing Snowman or the Grinch singing Christmas lights for the 30th time within the first day that you second guess your choice of when you put up your Christmas.
But then again Christmas is a time of excitement for the children and through their excitement you a transported back to when you were a kid and putting up the Christmas Tree with your parents and wondering what Santa was going to bring you for Christmas.
So when does the Christmas Tree go up in your house? Put your response in the comments below!